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Our Events and Seminars

Newcastle Innovation Science has been organising knowledge and engaging events and seminars in and around Newcastle. The purpose of seminars is to educate those who can contribute their share in the development of the city.

Suicide Prevention Day Seminar in HAMILTON

27th July 2019

The objective of this seminar is to create awareness among people about the reality that suicide can be prevented. Experts will be there to sort out your doubts and give you the best ways to trigger the mindset of those who are suffering from this situation. So, be a part of this awareness program and make this city a better place to live.

Discover Science & Technology – Robots and Biotechnology in KOTARA

12th August 2019

Science and Innovation are the two pivotal aspects of a well-developed nation. Through our Science and Technology program, people will learn more about the latest technologies in the Science and IT Sector. Our sole aim is to promote the usage and effectiveness of Robots and Biotechnology in diverse industry fields through our event.

Our Body & Science – Human biology and Health in ISLINGTON

10th September 2019

We are organising an intriguing event to let you better understand the biological, social, psychological and philosophical aspects of human life. Our team of experts will be there to answer all your queries related to geology, biology and astronomy.

Balancing Soul and Mind Workshop in WARABROOK

12th November 2019

Researchers and psychologists have been working on future-driven technologies and methodologies to determine the complex relationship between body, mind and soul. This workshop will help you know how to overcome different imbalances that snuff out our energies. We motivate you and encourage you to achieve a better state of mind.

Clear all the Scientific Doubts - BAR BEACH

20th November 2019

These types of seminars have been organised to bring research data to practitioners. If you are in the science field and want to clear your doubts related to your profession, then come and be a part of this seminar. We have a group of research experts, scientists and analysts who will be sharing an extensive range of scientific knowledge and also promote the quality of learning different experiences.

Opening Hours

Visit us at our headquarters for a free consulting hour.

Mon – Fri
10.00 – 20.00
9.00 – 16.00